Frequently Asked



I need to reset my password

To reset your password, head to and click the "forgot password" button. You can then follow the steps to resetting your password

Where are you located?

We are located in Sydney but have multiple manufacturers around the world where our products are made and shipped from, straight to your door. We also ship world wide

Can I make an order without an account?

Yes, of course! But we think it will make your life easier if you create an account so you can track your orders more easily.


Where do you ship from?

Although we are located in Australia we ship from Canada, America and China. Straight from our manufacturers, this keeps costs low so you can have the lowest prices possible.

How long does it take to arrive?

Due to high demand and our suppliers being situated all around the world, shipping can tale anywhere from 1.5 weeks to 3.5 weeks at a maximum

Will I get tracking?

Yes you will get tracking as soon as tracking is available on our end

Can I get a refund or exchange?

Please view our refunds policy for more, we try be as flexible as possible

I only received part of my order?

We work with wholesalers and manufacturers from all over the world, therefore, you may receive part of your order in separate deliveries.


Where do I find good tobacco mixes?

Our Shishas are made in the following countries: Canada, America, China

What if the item doesn't look as described when it arrives?

Please view our considerations statement which can be viewed inside any product page

What if I receive a faulty or damaged item?

Please contact us at or refer to our refunds policy